Sealing can be done with closed sealing rings made of e-graph foil by pressing in the tool to the required dimensions which are combined with anti-extrusion sealing rings made of mechanically reinforced packings or by making them from expanded graphite packings pre-pressed in the tool to the required dimensions - with anti-extrusion sealing rings made of mechanically reinforced packing. The operating parameters and the condition of the sealing surface decide on the method. 99.85% purity e-graph foils, e-graph packing with anti-corrosion inhibitor, sheets 1.4404, springs 1.4571 are used for production.
Area of application: -200 / + 500 ° C, superheated steam +650 ° C, pH 0-14, max. pressures up to 500 bar, and more, depending on the type of i p x t, density: 0.7 -1.0 gr / cm³ for raw material and 1.2-1.9 gr / cm³… directly depends and is determined according to the maximum p x t
- We make sealing rings / sets according to the given dimensions regardless of the working conditions
- short delivery times
- reliable and economical solutions
- no limit in operating parameters (p, t)
- stocks of standard dimensions for steam valves, pumps, ejectors (soot blowers), turbine plants, ...

conical set + Px45
from the braid

Produced from e-graph foil by pressing in tools or from expand. graphite packings with anti-extrusion rings according to operating conditions, eg ejector, turbine,...
e-graph conical ring,
with metal caps

Produced from e-graph foil by pressing in tools with mechanical reinforcement
type form cut description
braid, cut under 45º
pre-pressed in the tool

selection of the type of packings according to the operating parameters
anti-extrusion ring
(first + last in the set)

selection of the type of packing according to the operating parameters, when sealing superheated steam, the most commonly used eGRAPH reinforced with wire mesh
e-graph ring level

Produced from e-graph foil by pressing in tools
e-graph ring flat, with
metal caps

Produced from e-graph foil by pressing in tools with mechanical reinforcement
e-graph ring level,
cut 45º

Produced from expanded graphite packing by cutting and pre-pressing
EGRr2 / 2
e-graph ring level,
cut into 2 halves

Produced from e-graph foil by pressing in tools or from exp. graphite packings by cutting and pre-pressing
EGR set
EGRR + Px45
from reinforced packing
P-EGR set
P45 + Px45

Produced from e-graph foil by pressing in tools or from expanded graphite packing by cutting and pre-pressing with or without anti-extrusion rings, depending on the place of installation (valve / pump) and sealing conditions, extremely many possible economical and reliable solutions
e-graph conical ring

Produced from e-graph foil by pressing in tools